Rental Boiler Q & A: Should I Buy or Rent a Steam Boiler?
Is Your Business in Need of a Rental Boiler?
Whether you’re experiencing a critical steam boiler failure or your current system is running so inefficiently that you’re bleeding money by the hour, you are likely wondering what steps to take next. If you’re leaning toward a steam boiler rental to tide you over until you get a new boiler, take a beat and consider all of your options first.
Rental solutions may promise quick delivery, but opting for a temporary boiler rental to cover your outages may be a costly prospect. A mobile boiler won’t necessarily help meet your steam output needs, and installing a conventional firetube boiler could take much longer than you’d expect. Fortunately, there’s a faster and more cost-effective approach for handling the boiler replacement process — Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress (QSX).
Reasons Why Businesses Hire Rental Boilers
Many companies rent portable boilers, mobile boiler rooms, and accessory rental equipment to companies looking for a temporary solution to their boiler equipment needs. Some of the more common reasons businesses consider rental solutions:
1. Natural Disasters
Severe weather, earthquakes, floods, and similar forces of nature may cause sudden outages and expensive downtime, causing companies to seek a temporary fix to get back online.
2. Boiler Failure
If a steam boiler goes down, especially during peak operations, the company may feel pressured financially to get up and running quickly.
3. Starting Up Sooner
Start-up companies waiting on a permanent boiler solution may opt for a rental boiler package so they don’t have to wait to ramp up production.
4. Company Growth
While growth is a good thing, if it means a company’s boiler system isn’t keeping pace with production demands, it’s common to consider renting a portable boiler to supplement demand until they can install a permanent larger replacement.
Learn more about the reasons you might need a rental boiler.
Why a Boiler Rental Might Not Be the Best Idea
While the pressure to resume productivity is legitimate, choosing a rental boiler system comes with a few important downsides which may ultimately reduce the value versus the cost.
1. Higher Cost per Day
Rental companies boost the charge for their mobile boilers based on convenience rather than the actual value, not unlike the cost of a hotel room versus the cost of a mortgage. They’re banking on your need to get productive. Depending on how long it takes to install a permanent replacement, the daily cost of a rental boiler may outweigh the cost of non-productivity.
2. More Downtime than Expected
Renting a boiler doesn’t reduce your non-productive time as much as you think. If you decide to rent a boiler, you’ll have to wait for it to arrive and then get it installed before you can get operations up and running again. Then, you’ll have to eventually uninstall the rental when you finally get your permanent replacement. That’s a lot of time wasted on installing and uninstalling a boiler that’s only a rental, just adding the time that you’re without a functioning boiler.
3. Uncertain Reliability
Renting a boiler often comes with hidden costs. When you rent, you typically have no idea how old that boiler is or if it’s received proper maintenance over its lifespan. The odds are it’s not going to be in great shape and won’t be all that efficient, forcing you to spend more on fuel and maintenance to make the rented boiler run and meet your steam demands.
Learn more about the downsides of steam boiler rentals.
Get Fast Delivery of a New Industrial Boiler with Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress
The number-one factor that pressures companies like yours to rent boiler equipment is the wait time for installing a permanent boiler system. If you could take the wait time out of the equation, there would be no reason to rent; you could just buy and install a new boiler.
At Miura America, we know how important uptime is for your business, which is why we started the Quick Ship Xpress program. Losing a boiler, even for a short period of time, can impact your bottom line and result in revenue loss. You need steam — and you need it quickly! When you opt for Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress program, you get a new, permanent boiler shipped to you in as little as just 24 to 48 hours, along with all necessary auxiliary equipment.
This turnaround time poses an interesting question — if it’s possible to get a permanent boiler in almost the same amount of time it takes to hire and install a rental boiler, why would you even bother with renting?
Eliminate Setup and Breakdown of a Temporary Boiler
In addition to timing considerations, Quick Ship Xpress allows you to cut down on the hidden costs of rental boilers — namely, the hassle of setting up and breaking down a rental boiler system. After all, when you opt for a rental boiler, you have to deal with the headaches and downtime associated with (1) getting the temporary rental boiler unit installed, and (2) breaking down the temporary rental boiler unit later to make room for your eventual permanent replacement boiler.
By choosing Quick Ship Xpress, you only need to install your brand new, permanent boiler, which you can rely on for years to come. And again, because we ship it out within 24 to 48 hours of ordering, you don’t even need a rented boiler to tide you over.
Don’t Waste Money on a Rental Boiler
Buying a Miura boiler with Quick Ship Xpress instead of renting a boiler is not only speedier and easier on you — it’s extremely cost-effective in more ways than one. Miura specializes in watertube boilers which are far more compact and energy-efficient than the conventional firetube boiler design. Once your boiler system is installed, you’ll see additional savings of 20 percent or more on your fuel bills annually, whether you use natural gas, fuel oil, or propane.
By eliminating the need for a rental boiler, you can save your business up to $20,000 a month! Just imagine how saving that much money could impact your bottom line. Don’t throw your money out the window by renting a temporary boiler – order a reliable, efficient, and safe steam boiler through Miura’s Quick Ship Xpress program today!
Why Rent a Boiler When You Could Buy One?
To learn more about Quick Ship Xpress or Miura boilers, contact Miura today.