Miura Rep Spotlight: Garrett Trapnell

Miura Rep Spotlight: Garrett Trapnell

Miura Territory: Minnesota 

Unleashing Innovation in Steam Solutions: The Trap Energy Solutions Journey with Miura Boilers

In the ever-evolving landscape of steam solutions, Trap Energy Solutions stands out as a formidable player, guided by the vision and expertise of its founder, Garret Trapnell. With a mechanical background rooted in the United States Navy, Trapnell’s journey from a machinist mate to the inception of Trap Energy Solutions unveils a narrative of resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

From Navy Machinist Mate to Boiler Expert:

Garret Trapnell’s mechanical journey commenced in the United States Navy, where he honed his skills as a machinist mate. It was in the Navy where Trapnell learned the ropes of operating in high-stress environments, eventually training to become an operating engineer. Despite his proficiency, Trapnell decided not to make a lifelong career in the Navy, fulfilling a promise to his father by pursuing higher education.

Transition to the Boiler Industry:

Post-college, Trapnell found himself inspecting boilers with Hartford Steam Boiler, even though he had never encountered a boiler before. His Navy background, characterized by adaptability and quick learning, proved to be an asset. He excelled in his role, affirming his belief that Navy personnel are highly trainable and adaptable, offering exceptional value in demanding fields.

The Birth of Trap Energy Solutions:

As years passed with Hartford and other insurance companies, Trapnell harbored a persistent desire to work hands-on with boilers. In 2018, he translated his insurance experience into entrepreneurship and founded Trap Energy Solutions. Leveraging insights gained from the insurance sector, Trap Energy Solutions was conceived with a keen awareness of the catastrophic risks associated with boiler operations and energy savings.

Discovery of Miura Boilers:

In late 2018, Trapnell attended a presentation on the safety features of Miura boilers and questioned their absence in Minnesota. Learning that the region lacked Miura representation, Trapnell, without any prior sales experience, approached Miura to become a representative. However, he didn’t immediately dive into selling. Keen on due diligence, Trapnell sent out surveys to Miura owners nationwide, receiving overwhelmingly positive responses. Convinced of Miura’s reliability, energy savings, ease of operation and small footprint, he became a Miura rep.

The Journey Begins:

The initial phase was challenging, with Trap Energy Solutions’ first customer located five hours away. The project, a commercial laundry facility, proved to be a resounding success, setting the stage for future triumphs. Trapnell emphasizes, “I’m not a sales guy. We’re boiler guys and solutions guys. I just want our customers to succeed.”

Miura Boilers: Shaping the Future of Steam Solutions:

Trapnell envisions a transformative shift in the industry, with modular steam boilers emerging as the solution of the future. Excited about the prospects with Miura boilers, he highlights the industry’s current evolution and Trap Energy Solutions’ role in steering it towards innovation and efficiency.

Trapnel possesses a deep understanding of the evolution of steam boiler technology and recognizes the ongoing transformation in this field. Historically, from the late 1600s to the early 1700s, simple kettle boilers were prevalent before the advent of pressurized steam equipment. The Industrial Revolution ushered in brick set fire tube multiple pass boilers, powering factories. Subsequently, compact fire tube and water boilers played a pivotal role in advancing rail and marine transportation post-Civil War. The era around WWII witnessed the ascendance of fire tube scotch marine boilers, propelled by advancements in welding technology.

In the contemporary landscape, Trapnel discerns the onset of the Modern Era, marked by a notable shift towards smaller, modular, and fuel-efficient water tube steam boiler designs. This transformative trend has gained momentum only in recent years, reflecting the cyclical nature of boiler technology, which typically undergoes significant changes every 80-90 years. Recognizing this pivotal shift, Trapnel wholeheartedly embraced Miura, a leader in innovative steam boiler solutions.

The Trap Energy Solutions and Miura partnership epitomizes a synergy of expertise, dedication, and a shared vision for the future of steam solutions. As the industry undergoes dynamic changes, Trap Energy Solutions remains at the forefront, driven by a passion for boilers and a commitment to delivering optimal solutions to clients. The collaboration between Trap Energy Solutions and Miura signifies not just a business relationship but a pioneering force shaping the trajectory of steam technology.